Gila Monster
Junior Member
What is the name of your state? Az.
Does anyone have any experence with these type of covers? I got one from a web site and installed it. The web site said it should be legal as long as the plate can be viewed unobstructed from behind the car...which is the case. Last week I got a ticket from a State DPS officer for a ARS28-2354B (Obstructed license plate ) $ 80 fine. My question would be should I try to fight this ticket or just pay it. Thanks for any replys...............
Does anyone have any experence with these type of covers? I got one from a web site and installed it. The web site said it should be legal as long as the plate can be viewed unobstructed from behind the car...which is the case. Last week I got a ticket from a State DPS officer for a ARS28-2354B (Obstructed license plate ) $ 80 fine. My question would be should I try to fight this ticket or just pay it. Thanks for any replys...............