I was in Korea in 1998 in the military (state of residence was Texas at the time). One of the guys I worked with owed me some money, so he added me to his account so I could withdraw what he owed me once his next check deposited(he moved back to the US). After a couple months I realized that he would never pay. Before I moved back to the US, I visited the bank to make sure I was no longer on the account. The bank representative told me the account was closed by the owner of the account, and there was nothing else that I needed to do. I forgot about it, until now. I tried to open a new checking account, and I showed up in the ChexSystem. It appears that he wrote checks on the account months after the account was closed. I never withdrew any money, nor did I ever have access to his checks. Now, I'm waiting for a report from ChexSystem. I'm horrified. How can I be responsible for the checks that someone 8,000 miles away wrote on a closed account? Also, what are my options. Please help....Todd