frustrated girl
Junior Member
What is the name of your state? New Jersey..After working at my job for 9 years new owners took over and after working for them almost 1 year i was confronted by the bosses "new girlfriend" in the bathroom and told i was gonna do things her way and lose my attitude or i better quit because they werent going to fire me as they did not want me to collect unemployment and that if i didnt just leave quietly they would make the rest of my time there " A living hell " so bad i would beg to quit. So that is exactly what they did and turned everyone i worked with against me to boot so i did what they wanted and quit. Now everyday im finding out they are calling people i know who used to work there with me and telling them lies about me and trying to find out where im at now so they can ruin my chances of working anywhere else ever again. Please help me what can i do to stop this and am i entitled to unemploment benefits im a single mom trying to make a life for myself and my kids. I gave 9 years of my life to that place and now i'd just like to be able to move on i also know of a few other people they wanted out of there people whom they did things very similar things to get rid of them as well. Please help me! Thank You