I am from Oklahoma. This is my situation: A few months ago I had a frend send me an e-mail. I noticed that there was a persons e-mail on the list that I thought I knew, which happened to be the boyfriend of the person who sent me the e-mail. This is what I was thinking- If I go to the e-mail service and type in the e-mail name I had and type in a phony pass word I could get the secret question ad I would know if it was his or not. Well, that was a stupid idea. I had no intention of getting into this persons e-mail account. I was gonna send that person an e-mail if it was him. I just thought of a password off the top of my head that I thought it wouldnt be ...a real easy one, but that was the password. As soon as it said inbox I thought oh crap and I backed out of the account because that wasnt my intention at all. well, I just received an e-mail from that major e-mail provider and it seems that I am being investigated for hacking. Please know that I have never done anything like this before and that was not my intention at all. I am scared out of my mind about this. Please give me some advice. Thank You