washington: i have a 5 year old daughter with a man i never married. i was with him for 5 years, he has been gone for about 2. my daughter lives with me. he still sees our daughter regularly, every other weekend thurs to sun, but has only made about 1/20th of his child support payments, which had to be garnished. we have an order through office of support enforcement. i have paid for all of the childcare expenses myself with no help. i provide medical coverage through my job. recently we has to take our daughter out of preschool because of an alligation of molestation. her dad and his wife have been watching her in the daytime for about the past month while i work and bring her home after work. today i recieved a notice that he had applied for child support from me. there is already an order for him to pay child support. neither of us has legal custody, but she does live with me. his wife did not know that he had applied for support and thinks he is wrong in doing so. does he have grounds to collect child support from me even though he owes a few thousand dollars in back support and i have paid for all childcare and medical care for her? also, i am worried that he may try and get custody just so he can be paid child support. i live in a 2 bedroom apartment while her father, step mom and baby brother share a 1 bedroom apartment. i do have an appt with an attourney at the end of this month, but this is causing me a great deal of stress.