my husband is being wrongly accused of child abuse on a little girl that we were baby sitting the grandmother of another child said she witnessed him. Her story has changed, she was drinking when she came here. she knew we knew she was drinking she didn;t tell anyone until 6 hours after she had been at my house, she never even came in. the police want my husband to take a polygraph test. the child is with 3 babysitters throughout the week, the one licenced provider filed the report. we have nevr even met her. they say they have pictures, but won't show us, the deputy wanted a confession. the reprot wasn;t filed until days later and we weren't even questioned for 10 days after. He didn;t do this but they don;t seem to believe us. this all seems like a farf3etched attempt to us doesn;t it sound strange to any of you? you see so much of false accusations on tv we are terrified. Help.