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possible child abuse

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state?mi
i need some advice. i have an 8 year old child who is starving herself and making herself throw up because she says her grandmother told her to do it so she could live with her. what can i do to the grandmother to keep her away from my kids and can i press charges for abuse or anything else?


Senior Member
get the child into counseling asap, the counselor can really help your child and provide 3rd party verification of this nonsense from gma, and STOP ALL VISITATION WITH GMA NOW


Junior Member
Wait a minute

How do you know this is absolutely true? That sounds very unreasonable for an adult to tell a child. You must ask if this just a ploy of the child for attention and you perhaps flying off the handle because you proabably dont like this person. I think getting a counselor is a great idea, if the problem persists, go to court and try to get a GAL to interview everyone involved. Perhaps something will come to light then.

Karen Merback

Junior Member
Possible Child Abuse

When my daughter was that age my mother told her she getting fat. I know she said it as I certainly hear her say it to me and tend to ignore her. She is one who thinks you look healthy if you are thin. I tend to believe it healthy, exercise and if you feel healthy you are. My daughter took my mother's word to be what everyone thought about her size. She began starving herself and throwing up and I thought she had the flu until it continued for long periods of time. She finally broke down and told me what her grandmother said to her. I got her into counseling and this helped her alot. Even if that isn't what the grandmother said it is what the child believes and this is her way of saying she needs help. Getting attention yes because she needs it!


Senior Member
furiousfiance12 said:
What is the name of your state?mi
i need some advice. i have an 8 year old child who is starving herself and making herself throw up because she says her grandmother told her to do it so she could live with her. what can i do to the grandmother to keep her away from my kids and can i press charges for abuse or anything else?
Is this the maternal grandmother or the paternal grandmother? Is dad involved in the child's life? Is there court ordered visitation for the grandmother? There may be lots of options open to you...but without knowing the details its tough to advise you.

However....I will tell you this. Grandparents have no automatic or common law rights where their grandchildren are concerned.
I was wondering the same thing as LdiJ is asking. I think its absolutely possible that an adult would try to manipulate a child. I grew up in a pretty F-ed up family, so I know all about manipulation and lies.

If this is your mother-in-law, then she may resent you because you're not her ideal daughter-in-law (or for a billion other reasons!).
If this is your mother, she may be thinking payback...or is pissed that you didn't take her advice on something, who knows. People do the strangest things for the strangest reasons.

Its also possible that Gma said something about your daughter being heavy and then some snotty comment about how her cooking is better than yours and your daughter got the completely wrong idea of how to handle the situation. When a child is so young, they're minds are not capable of understanding the complexities of a simple statement. And they're so impressionable! If I tell my kids that I like a movie, they pipe back "That's my favorite, too!" Haha.

Have you talked to Gma? Have you asked her what her side of the story is? I would stop visitations and start counseling immediately. But I would also give Gma a chance to stand up for herself, unless of couse, she has a history of this type of behavior. If that's the case, then just don't let her see your daughter. Gparents, unfortunately and fortunately, don't have too many rights. She could try to get court-ordered visitations, but they would most likely not be granted.

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