hi, i'm in california. about 18 months ago my grandma gave me power of attorney when she knew that she was loosing her mental capacity from alzheimers.when i moved to another town i gave her the option of going. she decided to go. at that time she told me to sell her mobile home and pay off her bills. she said i could keep any remaining money from the sale. so i remodeled the mobile and sold it, paid her bills and used the remainder to pay off some of my own bills.here's the problem, her sons and daughter say i should have split the money, even though i remodeled to double the value with my own time(+300 hours) and money(about $5000.00) now the family is threatening to sue me for stealing her money. she signed the durable power of attorney of her own free will. the home was sold about a year ago. does the family have a case?