sierra2795 said:
my 14 year old daughter booked a trip (airline, hotel and car) on priceline as a mother's day surprise gift. It was the thought that counts but there is no way I can go the weekend she picked (3 months from now). She never should have done this and I called priceline 4 hours later when I found out. They will not cancel this trip.
Can a 14 year old enter into this agreement in my name without my knowledge?? I live in NY
[Edited by sierra2795 on 05-10-2001 at 01:46 AM]
My response:
For all intents and purposes, it was "you" that set up this "buy", and are now trying to back out. That will be their, if it isn't already, view of the matter. This is because a "Profile" was set up in your name; but, most importantly, is the fact that your 14 year old had access to your credit card to make the purchase. That's the clincher. Credit cards are to be guarded, like any other negotiable instrument - like cash, checks, bonds, stocks, etc.
A lot of adults try to use the excuse that it was "really" their child, a minor, who made the contract when, in fact, that is just a ruse to get out of an otherwise bad deal. So, these On-line companies have set up fairly sophisticated detections in that regard. However, it's not foolproof, as your child proved.
Suffice it to say, because your credit card number was available to your minor child, the odds are that this matter will eventually end up in collections, and then litigation. In the meantime, your credit will suffer.
Make sure to say "thanks" to you little RugRat for the headaches.