What is the name of your state? MISSOURI
Have already filed motion for custody pendente lite but no date has been set to hear this motion. Custody case hearing set for early Dec.
New and even more disturbing info has recently come to light regarding the living situation of children that absolutely cannot and should not wait until Dec. Should I:
1-Submit Amended motion for custody pendente lite to include additional information?
2-Ask judge to interview minor children in chambers and instruct current custodial parent as to the consequences of 'coaching' the children in the amended motion? (more specific verbage here would be VERY helpful)
3-Request hearing on pendente lite motion?
This is really consuming my entire life just knowing all that I know about how they are living. I pay nearly 2/3 of my income for child support and can't afford an atty and don't qualify for legal aide so there's no other option here BUT pro se. I just need some serious guidance so I don't screw something up in this case and sentence my children to a lifetime of abuse and neglect.
DFS has already been notified but CP was raised in and on the system and knows exactly what to say and not to say to avoid an unfavorable report (has done this on numerous occasions). Living off of the system is a 'way of life' for CP so I'm not sure making a report to DFS would help or just make it appear that I am harrassing CP which will hurt my case and my kids even more.
Thanks so much!!!
Have already filed motion for custody pendente lite but no date has been set to hear this motion. Custody case hearing set for early Dec.
New and even more disturbing info has recently come to light regarding the living situation of children that absolutely cannot and should not wait until Dec. Should I:
1-Submit Amended motion for custody pendente lite to include additional information?
2-Ask judge to interview minor children in chambers and instruct current custodial parent as to the consequences of 'coaching' the children in the amended motion? (more specific verbage here would be VERY helpful)
3-Request hearing on pendente lite motion?
This is really consuming my entire life just knowing all that I know about how they are living. I pay nearly 2/3 of my income for child support and can't afford an atty and don't qualify for legal aide so there's no other option here BUT pro se. I just need some serious guidance so I don't screw something up in this case and sentence my children to a lifetime of abuse and neglect.
DFS has already been notified but CP was raised in and on the system and knows exactly what to say and not to say to avoid an unfavorable report (has done this on numerous occasions). Living off of the system is a 'way of life' for CP so I'm not sure making a report to DFS would help or just make it appear that I am harrassing CP which will hurt my case and my kids even more.
Thanks so much!!!
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