My father passed away last april, 2000 in Michigan. My sister and I are the only heirs. He has a home, which he re-financed and had my mother co-sign with him for. They were divorced at the time. My mother's name appears on the loan from the bank. My sister went to the bank and told them he was deceased. They then transferred the loan to my mother. Well, all this time, the house has been up for sale. We have buyer, my mother went to sign the papers at the Title company, and Lo and Behold, it now needs to go to Probate AGAIN (we did not list the house on original probate filing, because we thought it went to my mom)due to the fact my mother's divorce papers say there is tenacy in common with no rights to survivor. My sister and I were told by (2) real estate agents and the bank holding the mortgage loan that the title was clear, and when people are right there to sign the ownership papers, we find out it isn't. My question is what legal recourse do i have against the bank, if any? They transferred the loan & responsibility to my mother, even though the divorce papers say no rights to survivorship...they were just worried about getting their mortgage payment. OH WHAT A MESS!!!
We have retained an attorney to straighten out the Probate, but I am LIVID against the bank, especially if the sale falls through, like I think it will. Is there anything I can do?
We have retained an attorney to straighten out the Probate, but I am LIVID against the bank, especially if the sale falls through, like I think it will. Is there anything I can do?