What is the name of your state?Massachusetts
My boyfriend recently (about 2 months ago) received 2 years of probation and an 18 month suspended sentence for some misdemeanors. He was assigned a probation officer temporarily and then the case was to be transferred from Boston to his town. Somewhere along the way this hasn't happened. No one seems to be able to help. Here's the problem. We are supposed to go on vacation this weekend and he has no one to inform he's leaving. When he spoke to Boston they said it probably wouldn't be granted because he hasn't met with a permant probation officer yet. If he goes, what could the consequences be? He's done everything he was supposed to and has repeatedly gone out of his way to get this cleared up, but to no avail.
My boyfriend recently (about 2 months ago) received 2 years of probation and an 18 month suspended sentence for some misdemeanors. He was assigned a probation officer temporarily and then the case was to be transferred from Boston to his town. Somewhere along the way this hasn't happened. No one seems to be able to help. Here's the problem. We are supposed to go on vacation this weekend and he has no one to inform he's leaving. When he spoke to Boston they said it probably wouldn't be granted because he hasn't met with a permant probation officer yet. If he goes, what could the consequences be? He's done everything he was supposed to and has repeatedly gone out of his way to get this cleared up, but to no avail.