my wife and i purchases a home in november. the house was being sold through a company who had bought the house from one of their employees whoc had been transfered to another plant. the condition report stated that the house had no known defects, and that the house was being sold as is. the home inspector we hired, had pointed out a lot of little thing that we were able to deal with. on his report he stated that the roof was in need of some repairs, but nothing major. after a month in the house we were already getting lots of water in the house. after 2 months there was a hole large enough for a volleyball to fit through. it is very hard for me to believe that this problem was not known by either the real estate agent or the seller. when we went back to the seller, they reminded us that the house was sold as is. my question is: is there anyhing we can do? is the inspector, real estate agent, or seller liable for anything?
my wife and i purchases a home in november. the house was being sold through a company who had bought the house from one of their employees whoc had been transfered to another plant. the condition report stated that the house had no known defects, and that the house was being sold as is. the home inspector we hired, had pointed out a lot of little thing that we were able to deal with. on his report he stated that the roof was in need of some repairs, but nothing major. after a month in the house we were already getting lots of water in the house. after 2 months there was a hole large enough for a volleyball to fit through. it is very hard for me to believe that this problem was not known by either the real estate agent or the seller. when we went back to the seller, they reminded us that the house was sold as is. my question is: is there anyhing we can do? is the inspector, real estate agent, or seller liable for anything?