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Junior Member
What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state? Pennsylvania

I am a marketing associate at a small company in PGH. I have been helping my coworkers for the last year with their IT issues, as we are small and have no formal IT department. Management consistently has told me that they'd rather I not do IT ("we'll have to get you back to marketing"), but they need someone to do it. We don't really have job descriptions (I have an old one), nor do we have an employee manual of any sort. I am a salaried, exempt employee.

At my last (Jan. 05) review, they "promoted" me to Marketing & IT Manager. I don't feel qualified to be an IT manager (I'm good with technology, but not good enough in my opinion to pursue it as a career), and the only job description I have is for Marketing. I tried to refuse the "promotion" on the IT side for the aforementioned reasons and because there was no additional money, but I cannot make my manager hear that refusal. He keeps saying that "he is comfortable with me doing as little IT as possible." Now though, he wants me to write IT policies and proceedures for the company, take on an IT intern, and provide training on a new software that we are in the middle of implementing to our employees (all of which I am capable of doing, even though I lack formal education or enough necessary experience in IT- I could not apply for and get an IT job), but I don't think it is in my best interest to do so. Bonus or additional compensation, reduction in other responsibilities? NADA.

Since PA is an at-will state, I know they can fire me for any or no reason. If I refuse to do work I am not being paid to do, or am specifically skilled to do, or that is part of my job description to do, AND I am fired for refusing to do work as assigned, will Unemployment refuse my claim? Performing work that you are physically able to do is one thing, but what about educationally or experientially? Would they basically look at me as being perfectly capable of doing this and deny the claim? I know that I can do what they want me to do, but I can also hang drywall. If they need drywall hung, would I have to do that as well? I couldn't do it professionally. Sounds silly, I know, but that's the jist of the problem.

Any advice would be appreciated. I know that in the end, if my employer wants to pay below-standard rates for these types of jobs, it's in my best interest to find an employer that values my contibution and rewards it with appropriate salary levels, but for right now, I want to make certain I cover myself as much as possible until I can make a move. If they expect certain "jobs" to be done, but don't want to pay more, can you refuse to do them, and does that affect UC if you end up being fired for that refusal?


Senior Member
Your employer can call you "Chief dog catcher and bottle washer" or anything else they want and if you refuse to do the work fire you.

Or they can fire you for wearing the wrong color of tie.

Get the point?

You are digging your own grave. Either accept the responsibility or not. That's your choice.

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