Care to explain how you turned from Man to Woman?
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 6
dont take offense...but do you blame her/ She is a 17 year old new mother. The baby is only a few months old...and she is still getting used to having a child. Well i cant really speak for her, but I did the same thing. I reallize now that the maternal instinct had consumed me and I was being petty. BUT she is wise to get a court order first. What i never understood in my situation was why he could make that baby with me, but didnt want to be in the same room with me after he was here. thats how it felt and it scared me to think of a child growing up with two parents and never spending time with BOTH of them. I'd give the girl a break, she has gone through alot and is apparently just trying to do whats right or best in her mind.
PS no offense intended***just trying to shed some light
#1 12-04-2005, 08:51 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 6
Please help This Dad
What is the name of your state?mississippi
I dated this girl on and off for about a year. We were both into partying and doing drugs. I didnt want to be with her any more, so I changed my phone # and became scarce. She contacted my brother who i live with and she told him she was pregnant. My bro convinced me to contact her and she told me. I was of course, in shock. We argued and I left. Well I decided I needed to clean up and quit drugs So I went to a 30 day treatment center. (I had been in drug rehab 3 years prior and had stayed clean until meeting this girl) While I was in there, she and my brother(who had always been friends) slept together. Anyway...I didnt tell her I was going in and after a few weeks when i tried to call, her number had been changed. When I got out of the program, I went to her house and she was packing to move back with her family in anothere state. I told her I wanted to be involved with pregnancy and baby(but not her) so she decided to stay in MS. I called a few times to see how things were going, and we always argued and fought. So I didnt call often and didnt go to any doctors appointments, even after she said there were problems found with ultrasound. About a month before she was due, she told me they were talking about taking baby early because of problems. She called and told me she was going to check into the hospital the next morning for them to induce labor. I was working in Florida (about 4 hours away) and didnt want to miss work so I wasnt at the hospital with her. I feel a lil bad about that now because there was nobody there at all for her(she didnt have any friends or local family) The baby was born and I went home that weekend. I paid to have a paternity test done and it is my child. I gave her child support ($250) that month. After about two months, I was ready to get my son for the weekend and she would only let me see him around her or at her house. I refused to pay any more $ without weekend/overnight visits.
She gave in and let me keep him overnight one time. She moved out of state to be with family and said she wouldnt keep me from seeing him. When I tried, she insisted on visits at her home until the baby was older. I want nothing to do with her, I want to see my son even if it has to be in a hotel room. So I filed papers for custody and signed an acknowledgement of paternity. I didnt think she'd have the $ to, but she also hired an atty. to represent her in MS. My atty went out of business and told me I had to find a new atty. I spoke with her and she agreed to let me and my mom come to her home for a visit. Since then, she always has plans when I am available to come see my son. I got a email from her last week where she's complaing that I dont know my son and about me wanting to bring girlfriend to meet him.
There are several Q's.....
Can she keep my son from having my surname or is there anything she can do?
How long will back child support have to be paid for?
Do I have to go there, or her here?
Can she keep me from seeeing my son?
Can I use email in court?
I filed for custody a year ago, but never went to trial. What happens now?
Any advice or info is appreciated
Care to tell us how you switched from a man to a woman? This may explain your PTSD.