What is the name of your state?Before filing Bankruptcy in the state of Utah I was on a program for a DUI charge trying to recude the charge to a reckless driving. The program was a drug court and required that I go to counseling, drug awareness classes and submit to UA's on a regular basis. All of this was done through a Indepentent company contracted through the court. I violated one of the rules of the drug court at which time I was arrested kicked out of the program and sentenced for the original DUI charge. I served my jail time and when I was released the court did not impose any fines and closed the case with now further supervision required. A few months later I filed for bankrupcty and I listed the Indepentently owned company on my schedule of creditors for the balance owed to them (not the court) prior to my arrest and removal from the program. I have had my 341 hearing and since then received bills from this company. I called them to let them know that they were included in the bankruptcy and they told me that I could not take bankruptcy out on them. Keeping in mind that I was removed from the program and did not complete it as well as the judge closed the case with no further pending fines or supervision. Do I still have to pay this company for a program that I was removed from by the courts and sentenced to jail time instead?