Junior Member
OK. My point is that the second father is NOT in question. He does not care and has made that clear. The concern is the first father who she has a court order for visitation and child support with. I have not once been rude to any of you. I may have spoken negatively about her choice of men, but she would be the first to admit that she has made some extremely bad choices. however she is facing that now and I, out of love, am trying to help her be as informed as possible before she makes another bad mistake and makes matters worse. I am willing to help her financially with her legal matters if we can just figure out which avenues we must take.I only see one rude person here, YOU.
Dad has PLENTY of rights. If mom leaves, dad can file to have child brought back, and mom may lose custody.
She better do it right, as you were TOLD to do - or she sets herself up to be judge-smacked.
Plain and simple. Follow the law.
And remember, mom slept with TWO men, and chose to do so willingly. You make her look like an idiot to suggest she slept with such poor choices for men. So quit bashing them, because it makes mom look even more UNSTABLE.
Maybe a change in custody wouldn't be so bad...
I was making an attempt to get advice from a legal standpoint, not be corrected on my grammar and my opinions about dead beat drug addicts who don't care for thier children or about my cousin who is young, impressionable, and has made some bad decisions....have you never made a bad decision in your life?
You say do it RIGHT! Yes, I understand that, which is why I'm here! To figure out what "right" is in Indiana. I don't live there. I live in FL as I have stated and the laws are different from state to state. I realize there is a right way to do things, but from a long distance I'm trying to lead someone who doesn't know where to start. This is where I need your help and advice, not your critisizm on my grammar.
Thank you for your help however and you are correct in your words, just somewhat hateful in your tone-as seems to be the general consensus on this forum to "jr. members" who are coming to you for advice....scared and uninformed and not expecting to be attacked!**************still I come back for more....