Ok, long situation here so bear with me.
1: Person A has a website. blah.com
2: Company A buys website from Person a for 300 USD
3: Person A is 17, and lives in BC Canada, Company A is a LLC and resides in California
4: Person A was indirectly promised from Company A that he would remain a staff member and continue to be paid.
5: Several months go by, and Person A is "fired" without warning by Company A
So am I correct in thinking that Person A should be able to get back the domain and all content, as he is a minor and cannot bind into a contract of any sorts? Please keep in mind that it is very easy to prove that the worth of the website is FAR over 300$ (more along 40-80 thousand) So I would assume I have ground to prove that it was a "scam" deal.
What I want to know is;
A; Does a lawsuit have a chance of winning
B; How about should I go go ahead with a lawsuit (small claims, federal, etc..)
C; Do I need to file in california in the companys home town?
D; Anything else you feel I should know.
Thanks so much. And if any attorneys are looking for a possibility to take on this case for a fee, please contact me. (If you are in the southern california area)
1: Person A has a website. blah.com
2: Company A buys website from Person a for 300 USD
3: Person A is 17, and lives in BC Canada, Company A is a LLC and resides in California
4: Person A was indirectly promised from Company A that he would remain a staff member and continue to be paid.
5: Several months go by, and Person A is "fired" without warning by Company A
So am I correct in thinking that Person A should be able to get back the domain and all content, as he is a minor and cannot bind into a contract of any sorts? Please keep in mind that it is very easy to prove that the worth of the website is FAR over 300$ (more along 40-80 thousand) So I would assume I have ground to prove that it was a "scam" deal.
What I want to know is;
A; Does a lawsuit have a chance of winning
B; How about should I go go ahead with a lawsuit (small claims, federal, etc..)
C; Do I need to file in california in the companys home town?
D; Anything else you feel I should know.
Thanks so much. And if any attorneys are looking for a possibility to take on this case for a fee, please contact me. (If you are in the southern california area)