Hi my name is Jerry i live in the San Fransisco Bay area in California. I have been dealing with a company for several years that is claiming to have trade secrets and a patent pending on a process. They do all my billing and and have bounced numberous checks to myself and everyone doing business with them in the last few years. As a result of this myself and others have done research into trade secrets. And have found that they possibly do not have trade secrets rights because of the way they have handled it. Basically i was shown this process from a friend and never signed any sort of contract for at least 6 months and everyone who does this was shown the process and then later signed non-disclosures. Also they fired one guy and then that guy has been for the last year and a half been using the process without being stoped by them. Also there are people on the east coast and all around the country doing to same thing. I left the company and they are claiming they are going to go to the Distict Attorney and claim violation of penal code 499c. My question is in light of all this evidence can they do anything to me? Do they even have trade secrets with so many people doing this who are no authorized? Thank you so much for your quick reply. I have been losing sleep over this and i need informative answers. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jerry
Sincerely, Jerry