I work for a company in Delaware that has had more than a few shady firings in the 2 years I have worked here. The most disturbing was about a year and a half ago. A man working in the shipping end of the warehouse had a heart attack while on the clock. This company has what are called attendance incidences. Everytime you come in late is one half of an incident while missing a whole day result in a full incidence. Once you have reached 3 incidences you go on attendance probation. If you get 1 more full incidence you are put on final probation. After that if you get one more incident you will be terminated. Well once this man had a heart attack they called an ambulance to pick him up. So in the companies eyes he had left work early and thus accrued a half incident for leaving work in an ambulance. When he came back to work several weeks later they put him on final attendance probation as he had already been on the first level of probation. He had when he came back a note from his doctor explaining that he needed to be placed on light duty which this company completely ignored. they placed him back on regular duty which involves a lot of heavy lifting. He tried to contest this and eventually within a month of starting back he missed a day for medical reasons related to his heart attack. The company fired him. My question is how can this comany do this and what exactly are the laws in delaware that protect the worker.