I have a situation involving my 16 year old son. His friend Billy Roberson is being held as an accessory to a murder committed by his stepfather. This boy and my son have been friends for a long time. The day after the murder, the police came to my son's house, (he lives with his dad Gary) and picked up my son (Dusty) and this boy Billy and took them to the police station and questioned them. They kept Billy, but sent my son on his way. We as Dusty's parents were never notified that he was at the police station, nor did we know anything of the murder at that time. Well, that was the first instance. Yesterday, July 10th. The police came back to my son's house and picked him up AGAIN and took him to the police station and questioned him. STILL no contact to Gary or myself. They are saying that they do not have to notify us that they are doing this. We are very upset and angry about this. I feel that if they are going to question my son about anything at all, Gary and I should be notified about it, maybe we would like to get representation to protect our son. He is only 16. I need some advice quickly on this subject if possible. Thank you in advance. We need some direction.
[This message has been edited by colemcl (edited July 11, 2000).]
I have a situation involving my 16 year old son. His friend Billy Roberson is being held as an accessory to a murder committed by his stepfather. This boy and my son have been friends for a long time. The day after the murder, the police came to my son's house, (he lives with his dad Gary) and picked up my son (Dusty) and this boy Billy and took them to the police station and questioned them. They kept Billy, but sent my son on his way. We as Dusty's parents were never notified that he was at the police station, nor did we know anything of the murder at that time. Well, that was the first instance. Yesterday, July 10th. The police came back to my son's house and picked him up AGAIN and took him to the police station and questioned him. STILL no contact to Gary or myself. They are saying that they do not have to notify us that they are doing this. We are very upset and angry about this. I feel that if they are going to question my son about anything at all, Gary and I should be notified about it, maybe we would like to get representation to protect our son. He is only 16. I need some advice quickly on this subject if possible. Thank you in advance. We need some direction.
[This message has been edited by colemcl (edited July 11, 2000).]