end Discover a letter CRRR saying the account has been reaged and to correct the tradeline. WHen you get the geen card back, send a letter CRRR to the CRA's disputing the dates showing on the tradeline. They {the CRA} must respond within 30 days. You will have given Discover 2 cracks at correcting the record. If this does not work, post back and we'll tell you how to sue Discover in your local small claims court or a court of record.
Here's the lawsuit that placed the burden of geting it right on the orginal creditor.
Scroll to Nelson vs Chase Manhattan Mortgage. I'd link it myself but, everytime I try and link a pdf file to this site my computer freezes for a couple of minutes and then knocks me off line.
This is an easy case to read and it's a paint by number roadmap of the portions of the FCRA that are applicable.