I am from San Jose, CA. I am in a difficult divorce it has been going on since last march. my husband has been in jail for domestic violence and drugs. he and his mother sold my house with my ex-bestfriend who is now a real estate agent her and her broker and the title company and 2 other real estate agents neglently, frauded, misrepresented, she the real estate agent lied in court and got caught they threatned me with a fraudulent contract sold my house under $100,000. dollars under market value. the buyer who also is a real estate agent and investor would not release my house and kept threatning to sue me. the title company lied and gave me fraudulent pay off statement they corused me into signing a quick claim deed. I was giving a ex-parte on my home but when we went to court the acting judge sold my house to the investor because he said he had rights. because of him not releasing my house the money went into a trust it was only $454.00 they threatned us in court the house would be sold in foreclosure the very next day which was a lie they had been threatning me with fore closure since sept of 2000 on feb. 22 when the real estate agent told the judge that i called the foreclosure company and they said they had not even posted it in the paper and wasn't even thinking of doing that but we had at least 21 days i had another buyer for the house and with him buying it i would have at least $20,000 come to me and my children ther is alot more information but i will move on to my business. in court 6/19/00 i was not able to run my business because my es was in jail but my mother in law told the judge our employees wouldn't work for me so the judge handed over my 1,000,000.00 dollar business to her. she was supposed to get power of attorney notorized and filed in the courts and her and i together could make decisions and decide how to proceed with our house she was also told i was to see all paper work and things to do with my business monthly and i wasn't given any chil support cause he was in jail. but the judge order 2/3 of the profit for spousal support. my mother in law lied finally gave me the paper work in september when she did she gave me the originals and i went through it item by item and found that her saying no money was being made was a lie my business made in june alone $42,000 and 23,000 was profit so i should have receieve about $17,000 dollars i recieved nothing she also signed a contract with out ever getting a power of attorney notorized or file it in the court. i contacted the broker, real estate agent, title company, and who ever else needed to know on 7/27/00 my house was going to close 8/17/00 i found out by accident so i told everyone i existed my ex was in jail and they were selling the house when it was on a automatic restraining order know one listen to my family law lawyer or me and proceeded with the sale the buyer then backed out and i had a some one else willing to buy my house and keep it out of foreclosure rent it until janurary and close escrow then because anything before january 2001 i had to pay $16,546.00 in prepayment penalties i would jave recieved about 57,000 dollars that way insteas of only 6,000. she called back and told me the man who bought my house without me knowing was a real estate agent and would not release the house even if it was going into foreclosure the title company told my i had no rights to the house and that i wasn't on the first title but i told her i was on a second but that community property was applied here and she said no that i was not part of this sale. i said i would let the court decide what to do they then sent me a envelope from the mortgage co. and they told me my house was in fore closure sept but that was a lie it didn't go into foreclosure until 10/31/00 so in dec i still was hoding firm they told me to sign a quick deed and handed me a payoff statement for 18,009.73 closing of 1/2/01 i was in such bad hardship i agreed but only if i saw all the original contracts and paper work they said okay that was supposed to 12/11/00 notheing ever got done even the quick deed never showed up but they kept telling me it was an emergency to sign or i would lose my house to foreclosure by feb. 1st by 1/19/01 i still hadn't received anything to sign even though my attorney and myself kept calling everyone asking why they didn't send it they kept stalling us. so on 1/19/01 i showed up to my lawyers office for my mediation i traveled 3 hours and i have been broke for a long time and really can't afford it and that day i found out that my ex was back in jail. they closed my business with out telling me so my lawyer and i decided to take care of business we went to the title company to sign the quick deed claim i asked the title officer to see the final pay off she said she couldn't get it because we showed up unexpectally and she didn't have it ready but she said it wasn't the 18,009.73 it was a few thousand less like 14,000 or 15,000 she said she would send the pay off to nmy lawyer he witnessed this whole conversation. i signed the quick deed because they said if i didn't we would lose the house they applied i was the last thing to let escrow go through after i signed i found out that my husband had not even signed yet and that the buyer had not even got the funding for the sale yet and so at that point i knew that these people had been screwing with me so i finally got the all the paper work except the listing agreement and found my motherinlaw signed the selling contract and she had no authourization the contract was done 1 day after i contacted everyone about the sale that my house could have been sold to someone else. on 12/7/00 when my exx's lawyer handed me a payoff statement of us recieving 18,009.73 was a lie it e\was dated 12/5/00 wiht closing of 1/2/01 in the paper work i found a 2 pay off statement dated 12/26/00 with closing 1/31/01 with us recieving only $5000.00 in threee weeks what i owed for interest went from about $14,000.00 to 25,000.00 dollars and then the third pay of off statement jumped anothr 3,000 in 4 weeks of a closing of 2/12/01 i couldn't believe it i was not getting anythin back on my house with all this lies i got the ex-parte ordered i would not release the funds because the dre in sacremento said there was no legal contract with me and i didn't have to pay any thing. so on the 2/22/01 the acting judge did put the 10,000.00 to the buyers agent that i had to pay in a trust fund until a later time. on 1/19/01 i went to my mother in laws house to get the keys to my business to see where we were out and take inventory of all of our stuff she would not give any keys and told me that her son even though he was in jail had rights to i asked her what about my rights and that was my business and she said she didn't care so my business remained closed until court on 2/22/01 but the judge who signed my orders was at a seminar that day and the acting judge didn't want to deal with this mess so made another court date for 3/8/01 but not before he sold my house and let the sale go through even though he caught the real estate agent in the lie he was worried about the buyer who knew the whole time about me. on 3/8/01 the judge caugt my ex perjuring himself told my mother in law to give me everythin from the business and that meant everything but she told me no not until the 23rd but the judge said that day she wouldn't do it because they had to hide all the money equipment tools all of our inventory. i am suppposed to pick everything up now because my ex's lawyer said i could 3/26/01 i know i will have nothing left they changed our business account they probably have hidden evryhting but the judge dosn't know any of this becaus i don't know what to do to file to chandg e the orders to show the judge the money we made or that she wouldn't give me my business he the judge didn't do anything on the perjury my husband did my husband also told the judge under oath that all of our inventory was leased which was a lie and he gave it back to the suppliers we alone in our shop had at least 500,000.00 in inventory i talked to the suppliers and none of them have recieved anything back so my ex committed perjury again the judge did say he would find out who was lying eventually what our my remideies for all these things that have happen to me all the money i have lost i can't believe that these companies can do that to a consumer or a wife who was abused physically,emtionally,and finacially for 9 years and i has to leave my home and my family and my friends and move 3 hrs away for my saftey. and then the judges not doing anything about the misconduct and making me feel abused all over why is it that my husband has more right by being in jail then i do who has been in my own jail for all these years but has complied with all the court has told me to do. my kids and i have lost everything and noone cares. i have all documents to support my case every letter every statement everything my lawyer b=now is young and he said he has never seen in his life and asked other lawyers advice they to have been floored they can't believe that this has happened there really is more details but it would take me for ever. what is my legal and what do i do please someone help right the wrongs that have been done and let 3 children know that truth dose prevail, goodness is what life should be and evil will be conquered because right now my kids believe that violent and liars our above the law are they. thanks panther20th