I live in northern michigan.
I have a friend (who also lives in northern michigan) and she is having a heck of a time.
She has a daughter who has missed a load of school due to SEVERE asthma. She has doctors notes for the absences however, she is still in court and the court has ordered that even if she has a doctors excuse, if she misses one more day, she will go to juvinile detention for the weekend.
Another problem that they are having is that her daughter is the only non-caucasion student in the school (let alone the whole county). She is bullied daily about being mixed. She is called every nasty name in the book, she has been threatened with physical violence, and she has even been told that she is going to burn in hell because she is mixed. Mom has gone to the school many times and is always told that it will be taken care of and yet it continues.
What should she do?
I have a friend (who also lives in northern michigan) and she is having a heck of a time.
She has a daughter who has missed a load of school due to SEVERE asthma. She has doctors notes for the absences however, she is still in court and the court has ordered that even if she has a doctors excuse, if she misses one more day, she will go to juvinile detention for the weekend.
Another problem that they are having is that her daughter is the only non-caucasion student in the school (let alone the whole county). She is bullied daily about being mixed. She is called every nasty name in the book, she has been threatened with physical violence, and she has even been told that she is going to burn in hell because she is mixed. Mom has gone to the school many times and is always told that it will be taken care of and yet it continues.
What should she do?