My daughter was involved in an accident in September. According to her, she "rolled" into the vehicle in front of her. Some one called the police. (According to the driver of the car in front of her, it was some one other than herself.) They got out and looked and the woman tried to call the police to tell them not to come because she saw no damage to her car. However the police came to the scene because they were there before they got the message. The police asked the woman if she wanted to file a report but she said no because there was no damage to her car. So the police left and the woman suggested they exchange phone numbers "just in case." My daughter she complied. The woman's husband contacted me and I told him I would see that he got his money which was a very small amount ($35, give or take. That is not a typo. It is thirty-five dollars.) And I intend to give him the money because I believe in being responsible for my and my children's mistakes. He says it is not the money and I agree. It's about control. When I told him that I would see that he got his money he said, "I hope it's her money and not yours. Because I believe she should be responsible for her actions." Is he preaching or what? I am a good mother. I have always held my children accountable for their actions, and how I do that is my business. I guess I've rambled a bit but does any one have any advice or thoughts concerning this matter? Thank you.