I've been talking to people within my school regarding recent serious issues,and I've come across a problem.I'm getting many different stories from many different people,and my overall impression is that the school is just spewing a bunch of crap to cover their own ass.When I call someone on said ass covering,they just tell me that they (the person I'm speaking to) are correct,and when I try to explain that another school employee told me something different,they say 'Well,can you prove they said that?',and of course I can't.
But I'd like to.I'd like to start recording my conversations with school employees,specifically online chat sessions,so that I do have proof that I'm being given the run around.I know how to record the sessions,but I don't know if I can.Can anyone tell me what the laws are regarding the recording of online chat sessions with my school.Do I need to get permission from the person I'm recording before I can record the session,or can I just record them without informing them,or can I even legally record the conversations at all?
For the record,I'm in Houston,Texas but my school is in Fort Lauderdale,Florda.Just in case that effects anything.
Thank you for your time,
I've been talking to people within my school regarding recent serious issues,and I've come across a problem.I'm getting many different stories from many different people,and my overall impression is that the school is just spewing a bunch of crap to cover their own ass.When I call someone on said ass covering,they just tell me that they (the person I'm speaking to) are correct,and when I try to explain that another school employee told me something different,they say 'Well,can you prove they said that?',and of course I can't.
But I'd like to.I'd like to start recording my conversations with school employees,specifically online chat sessions,so that I do have proof that I'm being given the run around.I know how to record the sessions,but I don't know if I can.Can anyone tell me what the laws are regarding the recording of online chat sessions with my school.Do I need to get permission from the person I'm recording before I can record the session,or can I just record them without informing them,or can I even legally record the conversations at all?
For the record,I'm in Houston,Texas but my school is in Fort Lauderdale,Florda.Just in case that effects anything.
Thank you for your time,