Monty Auto Repair Shop AZ 85635
On Friday 9.28.2012 I checked the battery myself at 12.46V and it had no signs of battery acid over the battery or wire. The car has not been running since 9.28.2012.
Monday 10.1.2012 when shop said the battery needed to be replaced because it had “boiled over” and time needed to be taken to check the wires for 'shorts' because of battery acid all over the wires. Said to me that the only two explanations possible is that
#1 There is a short is the system and later he called that the harness is OK.
#2 reason is that somebody overfilled the battery.
I will talk to them first thing tomorrow and bring a guy with me to say the following:
Even if the battery was overfilled on Friday 9.28.2012 , the car hasn't been running since and would be impossible to boil over without the alternator charging it.
Since the car has not ran the only explanation is that the car battery drained during the towing and a 'hot charge' was left to long on the battery causing it to over boil at your shop. Instead of using a trickle charge, a hot charge was left to long on the battery causing it to over boil over the wires that were checked for damage at you repair shop.
Tuesday 10.2.2012 No call about swapping the used ECM that may or may not be functional it itself.
Wednesday 10.3.2012 7:3OAM - I plan to ask what is going on with my car at your repair shop and why you won't call me about what's going on with my car.
I do not want to pay for damage they have done but I really worried about what else they are going to do to me.
On Friday 9.28.2012 I checked the battery myself at 12.46V and it had no signs of battery acid over the battery or wire. The car has not been running since 9.28.2012.
Monday 10.1.2012 when shop said the battery needed to be replaced because it had “boiled over” and time needed to be taken to check the wires for 'shorts' because of battery acid all over the wires. Said to me that the only two explanations possible is that
#1 There is a short is the system and later he called that the harness is OK.
#2 reason is that somebody overfilled the battery.
I will talk to them first thing tomorrow and bring a guy with me to say the following:
Even if the battery was overfilled on Friday 9.28.2012 , the car hasn't been running since and would be impossible to boil over without the alternator charging it.
Since the car has not ran the only explanation is that the car battery drained during the towing and a 'hot charge' was left to long on the battery causing it to over boil at your shop. Instead of using a trickle charge, a hot charge was left to long on the battery causing it to over boil over the wires that were checked for damage at you repair shop.
Tuesday 10.2.2012 No call about swapping the used ECM that may or may not be functional it itself.
Wednesday 10.3.2012 7:3OAM - I plan to ask what is going on with my car at your repair shop and why you won't call me about what's going on with my car.
I do not want to pay for damage they have done but I really worried about what else they are going to do to me.