I am in the jewelry business. Recently I was at a trade show and had one of my competitors come over and point out that I could be shut down for having a replica piece for sale. It was not an exact match, and I was sure to tell anyone interested in it that it was not authentic. But it did read the “original" product manufactures name on it. I have done some research in order to find out if I had broke the law by selling it but have had no luck finding any information on this sort of thing. Can you please advise me?
I am in the jewelry business. Recently I was at a trade show and had one of my competitors come over and point out that I could be shut down for having a replica piece for sale. It was not an exact match, and I was sure to tell anyone interested in it that it was not authentic. But it did read the “original" product manufactures name on it. I have done some research in order to find out if I had broke the law by selling it but have had no luck finding any information on this sort of thing. Can you please advise me?