Wisc state statutes , this link was found searching in your state govt whttp://www.wsll.state.wi.us/topic/landlord.html better yet
http://nxt.legis.state.wi.us/nxt/gateway.dll?f=templates&fn=default.htm&vid=WI:Default&d=stats&jd=ch. 704 This info comes from
http://www.legalexplorer.com/legal/legal-QA.asp?Sid=24#A12 What action can a tenant take if a landlord withholds the security deposit?
Say that 21 days go by since the tenant vacated the premises, and the landlord still hasn’t returned the security deposit or provided written reasons for withholding all or part of it. Then the tenant can take the landlord to small claims court. What’s more, the tenant can ask the court to double the security deposit amount, as a penalty for not meeting the 21-day time limit.
On the other hand, the landlord may provide, within the 21-day time frame, written reasons for withholding all or part of the security deposit. But the tenant may disagree with the landlord’s decision. Here, too, the tenant can take the landlord to small claims court to try to recover the deposit. The court may decide the landlord owes the tenant money. But, unlike in the above example, unless the court determines that the landlord falsified or misrepresented its damages, the court won’t require the landlord to pay double the security deposit (or the portion improperly withheld). If the court decides that the landlord improperly withheld all or a portion of the security deposit, the court must award a tenant who has retained an attorney the reasonable cost of the attorney’s services."