What KIND of administrative hearing? With what agency and for what purpose? What documents, statements, evidence, or other information are you seeking from that agency?
I am a physician out of residency 3 years.. The Medical Board for California is the agency petitionig to revoke my medical license. I have contacted several administrative attorney's regarding this issue. The problem is for them to accept me case they require, $30-40,000 retainer fees. I just dont have it. I am being accussesd of excessive prescription writing, dishonesty false representation, not keeping adequate medical records. I want to request what evidence they charge they have against me. For example, prescriptions with my signature. In their corespondence to me there are statements with no names, statements from addmitted drug addicts, and a women who says she was selling my prescritptions that I gave to here. I AM PARTY TO NONE OF THESE ACCUSSATIONS. I have not been criminally charges with anything.