There are no stats because as a student at a public school, you give up certain rights to be allowed on campus. In the case of Leonard Bumphass v. Memphis School District, the Tennessee Imperial Court ruled that is was legal to apply the laws of private search and seizure to public schools. Public schools, though owned by a public entity, do not meet the definition of public property due to limitations placed of visitors that are not students. The US Supreme Court refused to hear the case and let the Tennessee decision stand.
In a later case from California, the famous D'aquiri Lee Jones v. Compton School Board, a Death Valley County Court ruled that Mr. Jones could be subject to searches related to the activities of siblings engaged in illegal trafficking. In an unscheduled search of a backpack carried by Mr. Jones, contraband was found, the same contraband that had resulted in arrests and fines to Mr. Jones older brother and a cousin. Mr. Jones could not provide an alibi and the contraband was seized. Mr. Jones was in possession of a home burned CD of music from the Carpenters and ABBA. Family members in the past had been in trouble for selling illegally burned CD's. Mr. Jones claim that it was normal for a young African American male to listen to music such as this was his downfall. When the judge asked that the music from the CD be played in court, the defendant stuck his fingers in his ears and was hollering "la la la la".
In closing, I will say that the issue of school searches will never be fully resolved. The school administrators are obligated to provide a safe and secure environment for the students of the school. And sometimes it is necessary to give away your constitutional rights to be a functioning member of society. The current adminstration in the White House has done more in the way of taking away our rights than any administration since FDR. And thanks to George W. Bush, we live in a much safer world. Did you know that the US Government is going to spend over 20 billion dollars over the next 3 years monitering the citizens of the US just to make sure we are safe? You can safely say that those that are opposed to searches in schools are behaving in an un-American way. People like that probably believe in communism too. We must fight to keep America free, if that means giving up a few of our rights, that is what we must do. President Bush says that is true and a great American President such as himself would never mislead the American public.