hi... my mother is in a nursing/retirement home in Phoenix, AZ... she is on a fixed income and paying 'share of costs' with the county... they leave her exactly $76 a month for personal expenses, the rest goes to the home for room and board... when i talked to the county at the very beginning, i told them there were bills to be paid and i didn't know what to do... they said there was no problem, so i went ahead and paid the bills that were due... when the red tape cleared and things were settled, i discovered i should have paid the home instead of the bills... so from that time, Feb 2000, to now the bill at the home has been nearly 30 days behind... a couple months ago, they began pushing for the total lump sum which i told them was impossible... i was paying a little extra each month plus her phone bill, which i discovered they were applying to the past due amount and resulted in her phone being removed from her room... so now, they have sent a letter saying she will be discharged from the home on the 28th if the total due is not paid... is this legal? can they evict her for being less than a month behind? do we have any recourse? thank you, melody