I live in Arkansas now, but when all this was occuring.We lived in MOntana and overseas with the milatary. Mu first husband sexually and mentally abused my children for 8-10 years. I divorced him when my daughter was 13 and her brother was 8. I knew nothing of the sexual abuse until my daughter turned 15 and ran away, ending up in mental institutions for the next 7 years, where she admitted to the doctors that her father had been sexually abusing her since she was 3. When my son was asked about it , he said he knew what she was talking about,but would go no further. The authorities said we had no legal proof to press charges, so we dropped it. Several other things occured such as: threats to my life, money bribes to my children to not go to court. My daughter died last year in a drunken car crash.She had spent all her life running away from her guilt. Now my son had turned into a introverte, not trusting or caring about anyone or anything. He feels less than a person and has problems holding down jobs or friends. I am an emotional mess, and want to know if there is any recourse to make my ex-husband pay financially or emotionally for all the damage he had inflected on 3 innocent people. We are suffering daily for his mistakes, while he is living nicely and had not even paid child support or tried to contact his son for 10 years. Is there anything that can be done to make him pay.Debbie
[Edited by Kadena on 05-07-2001 at 10:33 AM]
[Edited by Kadena on 05-07-2001 at 10:33 AM]