We are a small European company who entered into an agreement to purchase a product from an American compan., The product had to be somewhat modified according to our import regulations, which was agreed upon. The product was to be packed in our country and sold under private label. We made a purchasing contract and payd 50% in advance.
Due to red tape and import regulations, it took 2-3 years to get all things settled. When we finally wanted to continue, the manufacturer informed us that they could no longer guarantee continued supplies in the future, since they had appointed an agent/importer in our country who would sell their original product under the original brand name. They refuse to give us the name of this representative, and we do not know how they plan to deal with import regulations. Can we claim compensation for expences and loss of future income?
Due to red tape and import regulations, it took 2-3 years to get all things settled. When we finally wanted to continue, the manufacturer informed us that they could no longer guarantee continued supplies in the future, since they had appointed an agent/importer in our country who would sell their original product under the original brand name. They refuse to give us the name of this representative, and we do not know how they plan to deal with import regulations. Can we claim compensation for expences and loss of future income?