Why should a medical issue get a free pass? Hey, what if someone has documentation that their car broke down on the way to class, leaving them stranded on the side of the road? Or their boss demanded they stay at work or be fired? What if a power failure occurred and their alarm clock didn't go off? What if....?
Just because your issue happened to be medical does not make it a more legitimate exception to the rule.
Actually, I would say MOST Universities/Colleges have instructions for medical emergencies. The one I work at his this
"If you do not already have documentation in the Dean’s Office, please submit a medical excuse from your attending physician with your response/request for a temporary, one-time accommodation. Students with permanent disabilities must be registered with the University’s Office of Accessibility."
I would say a medical emergency, with proper documentation, would be much more legit than an alarm clock malfunction or tire blowout. Personal issues are not an excuse for missing exams. Medical issues are.
The original poster never answered whether she was in the hospital due to their disability or an emergency, what the disability is, if they were receiving services, and really did not give us enough info to decide if this is "discrimination" per se.