Unfortuntly, I was not previe to major stock dealings, that
my husband (Being a Sr. Vice Pres. of a major firm) was recieving and selling while married, and still continues to move major postions to all 5 of his accounts. Although we have not lived together for 5 years, we never had a legal seperation, or a divorce I lived at his apt. for a time, with my children, when he had relocated that year. We have spent vac. and holidays together, and filled taxs together for the year of 1999. It was his idea. Well, my quistion is, what are my rights to any stocks he still might have? Secondly, can I track wire transfers, of biblical porportions, from his stock acct. As,in looking at the paper work, he wired money every where.
Can I still recoup what ever stocks left in porfolio, while proving he intintually, hide and moved stocks from our trust, and claimed we lost all assest?
Thank you, this is not a quistion to go after the ex per say, but I would like to know my rights.
[Edited by penpar8 on 01-21-2001 at 08:34 AM]
my husband (Being a Sr. Vice Pres. of a major firm) was recieving and selling while married, and still continues to move major postions to all 5 of his accounts. Although we have not lived together for 5 years, we never had a legal seperation, or a divorce I lived at his apt. for a time, with my children, when he had relocated that year. We have spent vac. and holidays together, and filled taxs together for the year of 1999. It was his idea. Well, my quistion is, what are my rights to any stocks he still might have? Secondly, can I track wire transfers, of biblical porportions, from his stock acct. As,in looking at the paper work, he wired money every where.
Can I still recoup what ever stocks left in porfolio, while proving he intintually, hide and moved stocks from our trust, and claimed we lost all assest?
Thank you, this is not a quistion to go after the ex per say, but I would like to know my rights.
[Edited by penpar8 on 01-21-2001 at 08:34 AM]