Immediately following the loss of an election, our current Business Manager asked the membership how we wanted her use up her vacation time. Current policy dictates that the locals’ staff takes their vacation time by their anniversary. (Two weeks are given immediately at hire)
The members approved a motion that the BM would take the remainder of the vacation beginning that Friday (the meeting was Tuesday night) and take the three weeks left.
Two weeks later, the Executive Board approved a motion to pay the vacation after the BM leaves office. In effect, the BM kept working, and did not take any vacation days.
The members are quite upset that the Executive Board did not respect the approved motion from a regular membership meeting. They are rallying together to somehow overthrow this decision of the Executive Board at our next regular membership meeting.
Is this possible, and what would the vote require?
At regular meetings, a motion needs a 2/3 vote to null and void an approved motion from the last meeting. (Which we have done in the past)
I'm guessing this is not state sensitive, but I really don't know. Thanks in advance for any ideas.What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
Immediately following the loss of an election, our current Business Manager asked the membership how we wanted her use up her vacation time. Current policy dictates that the locals’ staff takes their vacation time by their anniversary. (Two weeks are given immediately at hire)
The members approved a motion that the BM would take the remainder of the vacation beginning that Friday (the meeting was Tuesday night) and take the three weeks left.
Two weeks later, the Executive Board approved a motion to pay the vacation after the BM leaves office. In effect, the BM kept working, and did not take any vacation days.
The members are quite upset that the Executive Board did not respect the approved motion from a regular membership meeting. They are rallying together to somehow overthrow this decision of the Executive Board at our next regular membership meeting.
Is this possible, and what would the vote require?
At regular meetings, a motion needs a 2/3 vote to null and void an approved motion from the last meeting. (Which we have done in the past)
I'm guessing this is not state sensitive, but I really don't know. Thanks in advance for any ideas.What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?