I have a horrible exroommate. Here is the story and the problem... we stopped living together 5 months ago, she moved out and I stayed in the apartment for the remainder of the lease. All of the bills were in her name and she left them for me. I took care of all of the bills when I left. Well due to a company mistake there is still a bill for $80. I feel responsible for this bill and she has rudely let me know that she does also! Here is the problem... at an earlier point in our "relationship" she owed me money and promised to pay. When she only sent me a check for 1/4 of the money she borrowed and not the full amount I expected she caused me to bouce checks (I lost $100) then she eventually paid and still owes me $20 that I have basically forgotten about, until now. I feel that due to the money she caused me to have to pay and the money she still owes that I shouldn't pay the bill. The bill is in her name any way. My question is if she takes legal steps (which she will she is that way) will I in any way be responsible for that bill? Please help I am a poor college student fed up with a horrible ex-roommate! I live in South Carolina
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