hi...I am renting a 2 br apartment which I'm sharing with another girl. we are both on the lease. however, a few weeks after moving in I realized that her boyfriend is living with us. he's not on the lease, his belongings are stored at our apt, he receives mail at our address and he's at our place 4-5 days a week. recently i realized that he also has keys to the apartment. having keys to the apt and staying at our place are both against our lease. in the first week of dec i decided to move out and informed the rental company. I can leave as long as I find someone to replace me. i've had no luck so far. in the meanwhile, the two of them have been doing weird things to show their anger towards me...including trying to block entrance to my apt one time. could I use any of the above problems to take my name of the lease and make him liable instead?
the lease does mention that anyone thats living there and not on the lease must immediately get on the lease and even pay rent retroactively. help!!! I've gotten myself into a sticky situation and had to get out of the place as I no longer felt safe there or comfortable. i'd appreciate any help whatsoever in this regard. thank you in advance...
the lease does mention that anyone thats living there and not on the lease must immediately get on the lease and even pay rent retroactively. help!!! I've gotten myself into a sticky situation and had to get out of the place as I no longer felt safe there or comfortable. i'd appreciate any help whatsoever in this regard. thank you in advance...