stealth2 said:
Well then - you've never met mine. 'Cause she has never shrieked. I don't tolerate it. Never have, never will.
Lucky you. I keep trying to clarify for you. You're just not getting it. My daughter shrieks in PLAY. On the occasion that she does it for a tantrum, no it's not tolerated and taken care of immediately. Quite frankly, when I have a housefull of kids, they run, shriek and make a ton of noise as a bunch of small children will do. In a game of hidenseek, tag, chase, cops and robbers, spies etc... I could care less if they shriek, so what. The only damage they are doing is to my eardrums.
Just as an edit, yes when much younger she did shriek when she didn't get her way. According to therapist perfectly normal behavior until child can be taught it's not appropriate.
stealth2 said:
Whether you see a reason or not is moot. People are allowed to "play" with those they choose to play with. For example.... why is it okay for you to "play" with with Candace in posts, but not okay for splainthisone to "play" with you? Because it's your choice who to play with. Same with kids. Where do you think they learn it?
Splain is simply jumping on a bandwagon that you created. If you believe that the 11yo should be compensated for entertaining my children then I'll expect my children to be compensated when they are forced to entertain her when the adults who are responsible for her don't want to deal with her.
stealth2 said:
Quite simply, from what YOU posted, your 4yo is a bit of a brat as well. And you cater to it. 'Cause you and you sisters behaved the same way.
Once again, I keep trying to explain it to you. My children have been seen by a therapist. Parental assessments have been done. My son is the only one who has a problem. I discipline my children appropriately. I believe that a therapist who has seen my children would know a touch more about them than anyone on an internet forum. So what, my sisters and I ran around shrieking outside too. Did we shriek at our mother, umm NO. My mom would have smacked my rear. My daughter is the "sanest" child of the bunch. Does she have her moments, well yeah.
stealth2 said:
The difference between 4 and 6 is pretty big when it comes to behavior. Again, if the adults expect the 11yo to babysit, she should be compensated. Or the adults should supervise the younger child(ren).
LOL, once again, you don't know my children. The 4yo is actually more emotionally "mature" than the 6yo. Once again, I'll keep the compensation in mind when the 4yo is forced to share her toys or play with the 11yo cause the adults don't want to entertain the 11yo. My 6yo and the cousin are the "prince and princess" of the family. He is the first born male and she's the firstborn and as such they do no wrong (hence my son being in therapy). They are never forced to share anything with my 4yo, she is forced on a consistant basis to share her toys and games she plays if they want to play with her. As is my ex's 18 month old child. Want to explain that to me? If it's good for the goose.....
stealth2 said:
Hey - I can only go by what you post. WTF do I know from jokes between you and whoever. They're not private when you post them to a public board.
Ugh, I keep trying to explain this to you. WHY do you think that an 11yo has the right to kick (with 2 years of karate training) a 4yo who looks to be about 2. I don't care if my daughter had spit on her, the 11yo should have more sense than to hurt a 4yo. My daughter simply wanted to play with them. She didn't deserve to be kicked for it. End of story.