I recently bought a car off of craigslist. I was aware that the car had a salvaged title but in his post, which I saved, he said it had a salvaged title but he fixed the problem. I drove it and everything seemed fine. We went to go get the tags for the car and the woman at the DMV said it had been salvaged TWICE and that it was still in the process of needing a new title. We bought the salvage receipt thinking we could just get it evaluated by the highway patrol and get it legal again. The problem is that we were told by the State highway patrol if we do not have proof/receipts of what was fixed on the car and where the parts were bought from, we automatically flunk the inspection. We were told by the SHP that if we can aquire a written statement from the seller and get it noterized, and everything on the car checks out, than that will be good enough. I have tried to contact the seller repeatedly but he will not return my inquiries. Though I do not seem to need more than a written statement from him, he will not answer my replies so now I am thinking about taking legal action. In the written post that he had he never mentioned anything about it being salvaged twice, nor did he mention it was in the process of needing to be evaluated by the SPH and etc. Does anyone know anything I can do? Would this be worthy to take to small claims? The car was bought for $900. I really just want proof it was fixed....should I take him to court? Any advice is greatly appreciated....
I recently bought a car off of craigslist. I was aware that the car had a salvaged title but in his post, which I saved, he said it had a salvaged title but he fixed the problem. I drove it and everything seemed fine. We went to go get the tags for the car and the woman at the DMV said it had been salvaged TWICE and that it was still in the process of needing a new title. We bought the salvage receipt thinking we could just get it evaluated by the highway patrol and get it legal again. The problem is that we were told by the State highway patrol if we do not have proof/receipts of what was fixed on the car and where the parts were bought from, we automatically flunk the inspection. We were told by the SHP that if we can aquire a written statement from the seller and get it noterized, and everything on the car checks out, than that will be good enough. I have tried to contact the seller repeatedly but he will not return my inquiries. Though I do not seem to need more than a written statement from him, he will not answer my replies so now I am thinking about taking legal action. In the written post that he had he never mentioned anything about it being salvaged twice, nor did he mention it was in the process of needing to be evaluated by the SPH and etc. Does anyone know anything I can do? Would this be worthy to take to small claims? The car was bought for $900. I really just want proof it was fixed....should I take him to court? Any advice is greatly appreciated....