Ah, tvlover, though I may applaude your efforts, your wrong on this 'free speech' issue.
YOU have the right to free speech. That does NOT mean that you have a right to lesson to OTHERS exercise THEIR free speech rights. If your argument were valid, there would be NO concerts (after all, I have the RIGHT to hear them without having to pay), no sports games (I have the RIGHT to watch them without having to pay), no cable OR satellite (I have the RIGHT to watch that PPV or HBO without having to pay), and even your job, whatever it is (I have the RIGHT to free service without having to pay). Sorry, but the free speech issue goes the other way.
And even if it did apply, it wouldn't apply in your case do to another error in thinking. You can watch CBS, NBC, ABC, etc. at your convenience since they are LOCAL broadcasts and that station has a government license to broadcast only in a certain broadcast area. You would NOT have a free speech issue if you demanded to watch that same 'speech' out of Detroit, or Chicago, or Houston.
Sorry, nice try. Won't fly!