Kentucky, My child ( almost 14 ) was suspended from riding the bus for a week due to a 15 year old High School girl saying he grabbed her breast. Even tho the girl seating in the same seat with the girl accusing him said he didn't touch her, he was suspended from riding the bus. The school said they had 5 witness saying he did but the the official write up said only 2 witness said they think he did. My question is... Should I make the school look into this futher?? And can this stay on his record? And... Shouldn't we be allowed to have the accusing girl and her parents along with the so called witnesses in a meeting? I think this is a very serious accusation. What are my child's rights and our's against the school actually proving this beforing pushiment and recording such a thing?? Everytime we try to get a stright answer from the school on this we get the run around and they just say that is the way it is and thats it. Between the conversations from the school members and the official write up there is inconsistences.
HELP ???
Kentucky, My child ( almost 14 ) was suspended from riding the bus for a week due to a 15 year old High School girl saying he grabbed her breast. Even tho the girl seating in the same seat with the girl accusing him said he didn't touch her, he was suspended from riding the bus. The school said they had 5 witness saying he did but the the official write up said only 2 witness said they think he did. My question is... Should I make the school look into this futher?? And can this stay on his record? And... Shouldn't we be allowed to have the accusing girl and her parents along with the so called witnesses in a meeting? I think this is a very serious accusation. What are my child's rights and our's against the school actually proving this beforing pushiment and recording such a thing?? Everytime we try to get a stright answer from the school on this we get the run around and they just say that is the way it is and thats it. Between the conversations from the school members and the official write up there is inconsistences.
HELP ???