New York City
Here's the situation-
1. My GPA is okay, it's not that high but I'm not on probation.
2. Last Fall, I was suffering from health problems-I failed some classes.
If I don't do the classes then I will end up staying at this school for an extra year.
3. I went to my advisor in Feb-I have a pink document signed by my advisor with the date. It's May, the class is closed, and I'm not register for it. I went to the assistant dean today-May 3rd and mentioned that it's not fair. He mentioned that it doesn't matter if it's not fair-there's a wait list.
4. Even if I take the class in the summer, I'm still 2 classes behind. I figure I could add it onto my Fall schedule. But then I would be taking more credits than allowed. Problem: The school didn't approve my request for the extra 2 classes. If I don't do the two classes, then I would be a year behind.
Do I have a case? I been getting the run around from the Dean office since February.
Thank you
Here's the situation-
1. My GPA is okay, it's not that high but I'm not on probation.
2. Last Fall, I was suffering from health problems-I failed some classes.
If I don't do the classes then I will end up staying at this school for an extra year.
3. I went to my advisor in Feb-I have a pink document signed by my advisor with the date. It's May, the class is closed, and I'm not register for it. I went to the assistant dean today-May 3rd and mentioned that it's not fair. He mentioned that it doesn't matter if it's not fair-there's a wait list.
4. Even if I take the class in the summer, I'm still 2 classes behind. I figure I could add it onto my Fall schedule. But then I would be taking more credits than allowed. Problem: The school didn't approve my request for the extra 2 classes. If I don't do the two classes, then I would be a year behind.
Do I have a case? I been getting the run around from the Dean office since February.
Thank you