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School responsiblity

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? IA

My daughter (who is a senior) was attending a college course at her high school last night, when she found out that senior boys were involved in a freshman "dump night". That is when seniors take freshman out and dump them about a mile out of town and make them walk back. My daughter found out however that these boys were making the freshman boys roll in cow manure and that the girls were tied to trees. My daughter helped the freshman back to town.

Today she filed a written statement about what she witnessed. She has had problems with the boy who was the "ring leader". Back in junior high she had to file a sexual harassment complaint against him.

Here lies my problem: I know that the school can not do anything about what happened last night, unless a freshman files a complaint, but when I asked that the school watch to make sure that my daughter was not a target because of what she had done, the prinicpal informed me that there was nothing that they could do about it. That they were not responsible for what could happen to her, because of her written statment. Legally, isn't the school responsible for things that happen at the school?


Yes, the school is responsible for what happens on their grounds, however, they are letting you know that they will not be responsible for anything that might happen to your daughter off grounds.

She really should file her complaint with local law enforcement.
There was a similar case in the news a few years ago where drunken Seniors beat up Freshmen and poured motor oil on them, etc. There was a lawsuit filed against the school district that was allowed to proceed. The basis of the lawsuit was that the school knew of the activities but took insufficient action. (IE they should have called the cops I believe.)


That would be the hazing incident- Glenbrook North Highschool in North East Suburban Illinois. The school did suspend some of the students despite the fact they had no legal right to do so-because it was off campus. She should have reported it to the police as it was happening, but I also understand what pressure she must be under as a senior. Those years suck. I wouldn't go back there for any money.

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