I was a tenant in a house with my husband and 3 children here in South Carolina for almost two years. We initially had a one year lease and then went monthly after the year was up. The problem is this, we have been renting from a reality company since the beginning adnd when we were moving we did everything we were supposed to. We had the walk-through and the reality manager told me it looked good but that the homeowner wanted to see it. So the homeowner came down and looked. It is up for sale and he hadn't seen it since it was bought 10 years earlier. Well the reality manager drew up an agreement that we signed that if the work they wanted was done we would get our security minus the cost to repair the carpet. Well today I find out that we are getting nothing. I did alot of work in that house since we moved in, we were good tenants who never complained and even let people walk thru it to buy and rent it for months! I am sick that this is happening to me! I feel totally taken advantage of....just because the house is for sale! I would have been better off doing nothing when we left! Is there anything we can do?