Ooboo said:
Just wondering how to get a reply, I noticed that some questions are answered right away and there are some that have been on here for a while and have no replies posted. Is that because there are no available legal experts in that area of the country at the time or did those people get a personal reply and it doesn't show up here ? If I were on the wrong forum for the topic would someone let me know ? Thanks for your time. Oobie
My response:
That's a very good set of questions.
Answering questions depends upon a whole host of different factors. Some are more complex than others. Suffice it to say, there are about 10 or so "regulars" on these boards, and only five of which (that I am aware) are attorneys, including myself, among all the rest that just pop in and pop out.
Time is a big factor, but reasons for non-answer can range from a simple "I don't know" to "Gee, I wish I could understand what this person is saying" to "What State is this person writing from?" among many, many, many other circumsances - - not the least of which is that most of us attorneys practice or specialize in various other areas of law, and you'll find those other attorneys mostly on other boards having nothing to do with Family Law. We are all unpaid volunteers who, without any rules telling us otherwise, can "cherry pick" whichever questions we wish to answer. And yes, if your question was so far afield from the Board it was posted to, one of us would tell you, and also let you know which board would be better for your questions.
Take "Mort" for example on this board, with his post concerning "Marital Property". He tried to be nasty. So, I cut him off. Look for his post and you'll see what I mean.
As for me? I go to most of the Boards and try to help.
Thanks for writing.
[Edited by I AM ALWAYS LIABLE on 12-20-2000 at 01:12 AM]