Though the seperation was comming on well before the birth of the baby it took 13 months after for me to say that's it tired of being treated as a matter of convience when it suited him to be around. Now we are in the court system because he decided that every other weekend no overnight and a visit during the week was not good enough for him though he did not participate to any extent while "we where toghter" he lived at his place and the baby and I live in my house. Now since the last drunken episode, I am not willing to continue on even trying to make this a family unit. I have provided everything for our child and I mean everything food clothing medical love etc. Since the breakup he has gone out and spent close to 20,000 dollars in luxuries in 6 months time but claims he cannot afford higher child support because he earns little you do the math since I know he does cash sidework and refuses to work at times as to lower his on the books wages. Today was the kicker he decided to bring his 3 week old girlfriend over to his house and it was his day for visitiion , but it was so important to him that he could not spend the day with our child one on one because he spent more time sucking up to her, I realize that we all move on and date and maybe I might decide to go out and date but right now my 17 month child needs more more in this confusion then I need a Date. I have asked him not to bring our child around new girlfriends since I feel this is not appropriate if it becomes serious then I would expect our child to meet them,but not the flavor of the month ,besides asking no overnight guests of either sex since his drinking buddies crash their too not enough room in this 3 room house to house all these people is thier anything else that can be done?