I live in Washington State and just sold my home. We are scheduled to close in July of this year. I had a belt of trees behind our property line that as of yesterday were cut down in order to widen a highway. They have been talking about doing this for 7 years and nothing had happened. A year or so ago I recieved a notice about the project and called to inquire as to whether it would affect my property. I was told NO so I left it alone. Well, the buyer is furious and feels we were deceitful. They knew the construction was going to happen eventually, as well, but they did not do a neighborhood review, we have a signed purchase and sales agreement and the inspection has already been done and signed off by both parties. They are coming to look at it tonight. Do they legally have a right to back out of the purchase at this point? Our property has not and will not be touched. Behind us they are putting up a fence, a retention pond and then a sound wall. It will actually be quieter than the way it was before, but it will obviously look different so I am wondering what my rights are if she tries to back out.