I was recently contacted via email by a potential buyer in Kazakhstan. This individual wants to buy some computer processors from me for his business. This is a relatively small-scale situation (ie 5-20 processors).
I'm actually not even a business owner or retailer, but this transaction would be relatively easy for me to carry out. I know next to nothing about Kazakhstan. Is this legal? Is it even legal to ship processors there? Do I need a special import/export liscence? I feel rather foolish even having to ask these questions, but I am the definition of a novice in this area. Thanks for your input.
I'm actually not even a business owner or retailer, but this transaction would be relatively easy for me to carry out. I know next to nothing about Kazakhstan. Is this legal? Is it even legal to ship processors there? Do I need a special import/export liscence? I feel rather foolish even having to ask these questions, but I am the definition of a novice in this area. Thanks for your input.